GLTFAttributesUserTextExporter for Rhino

GLTFAttributesUserTextExporter for Rhino

GLTFAttributesUserTextExporter is a plugin for Rhinoceros that allows you to export your models in gltf/glb format while including attributes user text assigned to the Geometry.

ℹ️ Features

πŸ˜ƒ Support

  • 🎨 Export models from Rhinoceros in gltf/glb format.
  • 🏷️ Include attributes user text assigned to the Geometry in the export.
  • πŸ—‚οΈ Choose to export the models with layers as separate nodes in the glTF file, or export all models in a flat array without layer separation.

πŸ˜– Not Support

  • ❌ Draco compression.
  • ❌ Export Point Cloud.
  • ❌ Export VertexColor.

😎 Note

If you want to applyDraco compressionto the model exported using this plugin, please usegltf-pipeline. After reviewing various tools, I found that some of them may cause attribute user text loss when applying Draco compression. It has been confirmed that gltf-pipeline can apply Draco compression while retaining attributes user text. I have created a sample code for applying Draco compression using gltf-pipeline, so if necessary, please refer to the repository below.

Sample Code Draco Compression using gltf-pipeline πŸš€

πŸ”½ Installation

  1. Download:
    • Visit therelease pageof this plugin.
    • Download the latest release file named v1.0.0
  2. Extract:
    • Unzip the downloaded vβšͺ︎.βšͺ︎.βšͺ︎ file.
  3. Copy to Plugins Folder:
    • Copy the extracted unziped folder to the Rhinoceros plugins folder.
    • For Rhino 7:C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\Plug-ins\
    • For Rhino 8:C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\Plug-ins\
  4. Install in Rhinoceros:
    • Open Rhinoceros.
    • Go to Tools -> Options -> Plugins.
    • Click on Install at the bottom of the window.
    • Browse to the GLTFAttributesUserTextExporter.rhp file in the plugins folder and select it.
  5. Enable the Plugin:
    • Ensure that GLTFAttributesUserTextExporter is listed and enabled in the installed plugins list. If it is not enabled, check the box to enable it.
  6. Usage:
    • Load the model you want to export in Rhinoceros.
    • Type GltfAttributesExport in the command line and press Enter.
    • Your model will be exported in gltf/glb format with all attributes user text included.

⏩ Quick Start

πŸŽ₯ Watch the Quick Start Video

πŸ”ƒ Compatibility

  • πŸ–₯️ Windows Rhino 7
  • πŸ–₯️ Windows Rhino 8

⏺️ Usage

  1. Open Rhinoceros and load your model.
  2. In Rhinoceros, enter the commandGltfAttributesExport
  3. Your model will be exported in gltf/glb format with all user text attributes included.

🎦 Viewing Exported Models

You can check the exported models using the following viewers.

1. Three.js Viewer

Each Mesh's "UserData" contains "gltf/glb" extras, which are the attribute user text assigned to each geometry in Rhinoceros.

If you want to perform a walkthrough inside the model (for example, if the model is a building), please set the "UserData" for the geometry you want to walk on in Rhinoceros with key = "isWalking" and value = "true".

=> Three.js Viewer πŸš€

2. Babylon.js Viewer

Each Mesh's "Metadata" contains "gltf/glb" extras, which are the attribute user text assigned to each geometry in Rhinoceros.

=> Babylon.js Viewer πŸš€

πŸ’‘For All Viewers You can use the developer tools to check the loaded model in the console for all viewers.

*️⃣ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, please see the License Page

πŸ”½ Contact

For any questions or support, please open an issue on GitHub or contact at ↓

πŸŽ‰Enjoy using GLTFAttributesUserTextExporter !πŸŽ‰